Thanks for your concise and informative reporting. I often wondered if Russia was responsible for Qanon. We also know that Russia is expert at trapping and blackmailing naive American citizens, like the Trumps and Kushner. God knows what they have on Musk.

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Hi Debra! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and leave a comment! 😊🙏 I totally agree… It’s scary how they’re pulling in such influential people. I really hope we can stop this before it spirals out of control. If you’re ever in the mood for a deeper dive into the topic, I posted an in-depth article on August 27th—just a heads-up, though, it’s a 41-minute read, lol. Thanks again for your thoughtful comment and for making me smile! :)

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The 8/27/24 article is mind blowing and worth EVERY HOUR/minutes to read 🤯

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I’m so happy you enjoyed it! 🙏 It’s such a complex situation… 🫨

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Intelligent journalism is becoming difficult to find- I’m subscribing to you now. Please keep reporting on Russian interference 😎

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Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m going to put together another article this weekend. 🙏

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I’m looking forward to reading it. What do you think about putin expelling the UK diplomats?

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That is just his attempt to look strong in response to storm shadows being approved to strike military targets in Russia. He’s trying to scare the west into thinking he still has “red lines” but he is weak and has no argument — he is using North Korean and Iranian weapons to strike Ukraine. He doesn’t want a fair fight, so he will start threatening the world with nukes once again. Just a former KGB agent trying old KGB tactics… If you haven’t yet read my August 27 article, there is a bunch more info on the topic in there. It’s a VERY deep dive (41 min read). 🤓 if you get around to reading it, I hope you enjoy.🙏🤍

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I’m reading your 8/27/24 article next. 🙏

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Sep 13Liked by Don Knight

Great job of putting together this article! The videos were an excellent resource to support your work and I now feel more informed about the entire debacle.

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Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment! It makes me very happy to learn you found it (and vids) informative! 🙏

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Yes, impressive 🔗 links here- Brian Taylor Cohen & Glenn Kirschner are rock stars ⭐️

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Thanks so much!! Happy you found it informative! 😊🙏

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Don, Thanks for alerting me about your article. I am aware of RT and other Russian disinformation campaigns and the threat they pose although you have studied it far more deeply than I have. Cathy Young at The Bulwark is another good source of information on this and other issues related to Russia.

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Thanks for taking the time to read it, David. I’m familiar with bulwark, but not as familiar with Cathy Young. I’ll check her out. Thanks for the heads up and have a great night! 🙏

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I agree with your overall point, but have one quibble over the fact that AI is a fully reliable source for information. While they sometimes provide accurate information, they are also fundamentally bullshit machines. LLM's also do far less to promote information or media literacy than your average librarian would. Libraries can function as arsenals of democracy much better than large language models.

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Thanks for reading! 🙏 Regarding AI, I’m referring to every day tasks like confirming if people are eating cats and dogs in Ohio…. or if the economy was indeed stronger under Trump, which AI can quickly confirm. More complex issues clearly need more complex research, but for most Americans dealing with every day issues, AI is a valid tool in my opinion. Thanks again for checking out the article. 🙏

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I agree completely. And it's not only us they're trying to divide & stoke a civil war, but Europe & elsewhere as well. 1 of Putin's major goals, as you said, is to destroy democracy (everywhere in the world), and another is to further Russia's longtime obsession of expanding empire as far as they can go.

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Exactly. It’s all so crazy, but hopefully, the world will become more peaceful once Putin is no longer in power. He seems to be the antagonist of all global chaos. What’s so bizarre is that he appears incredibly jealous of the success the West has had, without realizing he could adopt the same strategies and enrich himself without resorting to violence or invading other countries. It’s such a shortsighted approach. Ukraine has a real chance of putting an into his madness which is why it’s so crucial for them to get the support they need. Anyways, thanks so much for reading the article. I’m trying my best to spread the word. 🙏

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Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this subject, horrifying as it is. To now have a surface knowledge of how Russia has been infiltrating our country, media, politics, etc makes me yearn for a deeper understanding. You sir have awakened a sleeping giant in me! The thirst for knowledge is powerful and this subject is too important to be ignored. So again thank you for making me aware of the truth that is occurring right under our noses.

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Thank you so much, Susan! I am very happy you enjoyed it even though enjoyed might be the wrong word to use in this context 😑🙏💙

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Thank you, Don - for taking the time and sharing this incredibly scary but vital information. Much of it does not surprise me, but that doesn’t stop it from alarming me.

I’ve often wondered what exactly the actual F is happening to this country and where did these maniacs and MAGATS, come from?!

It’s almost as though they are “Stepford people”, becoming slaves to misinformation and hatred overnight, gullible to the ravings of the Orange madman who is so transparently evil! WTF?! 😳

I honestly can’t figure out what happened to almost half of this country. It didn’t used to be this way, or at least I didn’t see it, and I’ve lived over 60 years in several countries and several states. It’s surreal and sad and scary, but I’m thankful there are people like you who bring this out into the open.

Thank I will definitely share it with others, although most of the people that I am close to think like I do and are high information Voters so would not be so susceptible to propaganda and BS… Thank you again - very insightful narrative

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Good and important piece Don. It's especially important because America's biggest Russian asset, Donald Trump, has a 50/50 chance of reentering the White House. Also, since the 2016 Steele Dossier was found to be flawed or partly untrue, the Republican Party keeps parroting "the Russia Hoax" -- effectively cutting off any discussion of Russian interference, propaganda & sowing discord in America. It's good of you to bring this vital and disturbing issue to public attention again.

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Thank you, Ken. I completely agree. I’m just trying to do my part to help inform people, as uninformed individuals can be easily manipulated. I’ve got a few more pieces in the works that I hope will be easy to understand for those who may not fully grasp the seriousness of what’s happening. I really appreciate you taking the time to read the article and offer your feedback. Hope you have a great weekend! 🙏

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