I enjoyed your stack! Crystals have been a part of my life since 1986, when I hunted for doubly terminated ones at the Herkimer Diamond mines in NYS. If, as you wrote, crystals store and transmit energy and information in machinery and so on, then they likely can also do so when interfacing with humans. It's just a matter of learning how to recognize and interpret the exchanges made.

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Thank you, Seajay! 🙏💙 Did you end up finding any crystals? Have you heard about the massive crystal mines in Arkansas? They’re incredible! There’s also an opal mine in Nevada, both of which are open to the public and on my to-do list. 😊 I agree with you—there’s surely some kind of energy transfer between humans and crystals that we just can’t fully comprehend yet. Thanks again! You are the best! 😊🙏

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Yes, everyone can find crystals at Herkimer. They are literally strewn all over, though you have to pry them out. I met a geologist/mineralogist there who was doing serious excavation. We became friends and long story short, we took many mineral hunting trips all over Az, Utah and Ca. Good times! I once drove through Arkansas but didn't have a chance to go crystal hunting, but I do have a few clusters and specimens from there. Thanks for responding, Don!

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I love crystals! I have a mini collection that I hope I get to keep adding to. This was fascinating to learn about their roles in technology!

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Hi Amanda! Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. It makes me very happy to know you enjoyed it. 😊🙏 I have a mini collection going too! 😝🙌 They are so fun look at 🤩

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I've never thought to think about the science behind crystals. Thanks for sharing your insights!

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Thank you Dr. Tukur! I hope you have a great weekend! 🙏🫶

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