Sep 14Liked by Don Knight

Fascinating and thoughtful; much to mull over. One little note: Putin's birthday and the attack on Israel was October 7, not November 7..... thank you for putting the pieces together.

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Hey Jeri! I’m glad you liked it. THANK YOU for pointing out the date mix up - it doesn’t change the context at all - just an FYI. Thanks again and I’m happy you enjoyed it. 🙏🤍

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I will re-read this many, MANY times.

I’ve shared it with my people (who may or may not read it because it is, as you warned looong)…

I turned the TV off to concentrate, ( rare for me, as it’s always that something… blaring in the background) and I’m glad I did because this was complicated and needed my full attention.

I’m hoping that the friends & family I forwarded this to will read your thoughts as your analysis is insightful and informative, a wake-up call - I wish I was more confident that they will…

I’m blown away by the amount of information contained here. This is a masterpiece&

I’m grateful for your insight/thoughts.

I hope Kamala’s team has read this too- as the world’s next leader of the “free world” as we know it.

She may be the only politician left standing to change the course of our nation & the free world .



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Thank you SO much for your kind words! I’m still getting the hang of this app, so I didn’t see your comment until now, but it really made my day! 😊 I totally get that it’s a lot to take in—I even shared it with my family, but I’m pretty sure no one read it either, lol. That’s actually why I put together the shorter version you read first, with the videos… I’m trying my best to share what I know with everyone in a way that gets through! 😫 But as I keep finding new ways to explain things, I’m realizing it’s helping me become a better writer, which has been fun. That short article’s getting some good traction now, so I’ve learned short-form content is the way to go! Like I mentioned, I’ve got a few other shorter but super informative articles in the works. Don’t worry, I won’t make you sit through another 41-minute read, haha—sorry about that! But seriously, thank you again for checking it out, and I’m so glad you appreciated it. 🙏😅

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Noooo don’t say you’re sorry for the long read- it was masterful 😎

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You are the best! 🙏🙂🫶

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