This is an amazing easy to read and understand article. Thank you very much for writing it.

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Thank so much, Gloria. 🙏💙

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A lot of good points, but I don't know if they'd read it to the end, or even read it at all. They seem to have an aversion to anything that contradicts their beliefs. It's very hard to deprogram people that have been brainwashed. It takes a long time. That's why I think we should not allow cable shows on network or elsewhere to call themselves "news" & then use propaganda & lies in place of the actual news. This is so elementary I get irritated easily with people questioning "why". FFS...do I have to draw them a picture? It isn't right to allow, one of the political parties to get votes by peddling lies & propaganda on their own news shows, & the other one doesn't. None of the parties should be allowed to do that. Period. This is eye-rolling corrupt.

So I don't know why anyone is surprised at this fascist cabal take over of the GOP. I saw it coming in the 1990s. It just has to stop. There is no excuse for this.

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I saw it coming in the 1990s, too, if there was no intervention, & there hasn't been any, & were to be led by a charismatic demagogue, which they are, so now they're a full-fledged fascist/terrorist organization

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Glad I’m not the only one who could see that. I hate being right about these kinds of things, though.

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I wish I could print this out and somehow slip it in my next-door, neighbors mailbox, but you see the Nazi next-door is 74, and there’s no changing a mind that hasn’t been there for as long as his alcoholism has been alive. Sadly, that’s the truth of about 80% of Trump supporters in the regular world.

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I was literally thinking the same thing… 😅 I want to put this in every mailbox that has a trump sign in the yard, but you are right. Most of them are in way too deep to think logically. 😏

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I live in a mobile home park for seniors in northern California, in a very rural area between I5 and highway 101, on Clear Lake. My next-door neighbor lives in number 45, ironically, enough, as sick as that is. The resident manager here allowed him to fly a Trump flag in March, and again in April because it was taken down for a while by the wife, I guess, when he went into the hospital a week after he first put it up. I asked the resident manager about it right away in early March and he said let me check with the head office. He got back to me that same day and said oh yeah that’s allowed.

The rules and regulations specify that only US flag, military flag, or state flag may be flown in this park.

I have complained to every person entity that I can think of. To no avail.

When I write to the property management company about the fascist actions and behavior of our manager, lying to a resident owner about the rules and regulations, they told me to stop calling him a fascist to stop denigrating my neighbor by calling him a Nazi.

I say we start a letter-writing campaign to Daniel Karcher, CEO in the corporate offices of Birtcher, Anderson & Davis, in Irvine! And also to Caritas, Owners of Sterling Shore Estates, Senior Mobile Home Park! Because my complaints went all the way to the top that they could go honestly they did. I’m a former paralegal from the top law firm in Sacramento. I also lost my fortune in the crash of 08, 7years after my husband passed.

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They’ve said and done too much for them to be able to go back to any normalcy now. Personally I don’t want to know them and I won’t forget the threats and disrespect.

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Sep 18Liked by Don Knight

This is very well done. Thank you for sharing this.

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I’m glad you liked it, Tara. Thank you for taking the time to read it! 🙏💙

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Sep 19Liked by Don Knight

…”This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it.”

Joseph Goebbels

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Some people need to read this.

If you don’t understand, re read.

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Sep 19Liked by Don Knight

All very true and obvious to those of us with brains that haven’t been obliterated by Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh(may be rot in hell), Tucker Carlson and the rest of the money grubbing low lives these Americans listen to and believe

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Such an angry troll you are.

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Nope just an American with a functioning brain.

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This EXCELLENT. TY - posting now!

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Thanks! So right, Don!

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Thank you, Diane! 🙏💙

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This is so well thought out and written. Bravo. It is easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of Trumps callous and dangerous behaviors I find myself flummoxed sometimes trying to state just one in conversation. This is a really good list to refer to. Keep it up. You’re good at this!

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Thank you so much, Jenny! 😊🙏💙

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Sep 20Liked by Don Knight

I wish my brothers could read and understand this…but they are brainwashed thanks to my teabagger/Palin worshipping SIL who lives and breathes FOX propaganda 24/7. I can barely interact with them. Makes me sad 😢

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I can relate—I have family members caught up in the Trump cult too, which is exactly why I wrote this. My goal is to wake them up with straightforward facts, and so far I’ve been successful (at least with the smarter ones…). It’s wild how malleable people can be when exposed to constant misinformation.

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Straightforward facts?? Take the one about vetoing bipartisan laws...

Name one that you've read. What all does it entail?

It's easy to just say that Trump should have signed this or that but I would bet the farm that you haven't the foggiest about what is in those laws (besides what's in the abstract).

Several of your points are equally debatable. Racism? Cmon man. How is it that he wasn't racist until he ran for president?

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Such a well written article! Thank you :)

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Thank you, Lori! 💙🙏

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Sep 19Liked by Don Knight

I agree with everything you said, if even a few MAGA followers read it with an open mind, they can make more of a change than than a life- long Den like me. Thanks for getting out there. I plan to read your other articles.

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Thank you, Nanner! 🙏💙

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Sep 19Liked by Don Knight

Excellent & so true. Thank you for writing it so clearly.

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Thank you, Sue! 🙏💙

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Excellent read. Great work, Don.

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Thank you, Jake! 🙏👊

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Persuading anyone subject to even a fraction of those is essentially impossible. There may be a window of opportunity when Trump dies, that could break the spell, but I think a lot of them are irretrievably lost. You look at the QanonCasualties Subreddit, every day there are people who are "going NC" - no contact, because they can't start the violent, paranoid fantasy world their parents or grandparents have come to inhabit.

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